Saving the planet – saving fuel – our duty
Global climate change is here – lower temperatures than normal in UAE, higher ones in UK, flooding in Indonesia, 8 feet of snow in New York State.
The reports point to us – humanity – as the culprits – either we change or the climate goes on changing until… that is too awful to think about right now, isn’t it? But we should think about it, before it’s too late.
Each one of us can do something, however small it seems – it will go a long way if we all do something.
So, what can we do here in the Emirates – land of cheap fuel and streets full of cars?
Well, we can start switching lights and appliances off when we aren’t using them. Now I hear someone saying, “Hey, the UAE produces cheap electricity, why should I bother?”
The answer is that it may be cheap to you, but it is not cheap to the planet – its cost is high – to Earth – to climate change and pollution generally.
What else can we do – switching off a couple of lights doesn’t seem much. Start by looking around you on your way to work – how many cars do you see with only one person? Answer – most cars.
So, how does that help? Sharing cars to get to work helps – true, sometimes it’s just not feasible – “I want my car in the afternoons.” “I like to drive.” “Why should I put myself out for other people?”
Those are some of the things you’ll hear people say when car sharing is mentioned.
Let’s answer them one by one:-
“I want my car in the afternoons Sure you do, but if you plan, you can have your car on the afternoon it’s your turn to use your car. Plan your week better. Do it for Earth.
“I like to drive.” Sure you do, but there are some things more important than what you want.
“Why should I put myself out for other people?” You’re not doing. Plan your week better. Relax on the way to work two or three times a week – that sounds good, doesn’t it?
And what will you get in return – queues halved overnight – almost – and lower carbon emissions to go some way to reducing the damage being done to our climate and our environment – that’s what!
Robert L. Fielding
The reports point to us – humanity – as the culprits – either we change or the climate goes on changing until… that is too awful to think about right now, isn’t it? But we should think about it, before it’s too late.
Each one of us can do something, however small it seems – it will go a long way if we all do something.
So, what can we do here in the Emirates – land of cheap fuel and streets full of cars?
Well, we can start switching lights and appliances off when we aren’t using them. Now I hear someone saying, “Hey, the UAE produces cheap electricity, why should I bother?”
The answer is that it may be cheap to you, but it is not cheap to the planet – its cost is high – to Earth – to climate change and pollution generally.
What else can we do – switching off a couple of lights doesn’t seem much. Start by looking around you on your way to work – how many cars do you see with only one person? Answer – most cars.
So, how does that help? Sharing cars to get to work helps – true, sometimes it’s just not feasible – “I want my car in the afternoons.” “I like to drive.” “Why should I put myself out for other people?”
Those are some of the things you’ll hear people say when car sharing is mentioned.
Let’s answer them one by one:-
“I want my car in the afternoons Sure you do, but if you plan, you can have your car on the afternoon it’s your turn to use your car. Plan your week better. Do it for Earth.
“I like to drive.” Sure you do, but there are some things more important than what you want.
“Why should I put myself out for other people?” You’re not doing. Plan your week better. Relax on the way to work two or three times a week – that sounds good, doesn’t it?
And what will you get in return – queues halved overnight – almost – and lower carbon emissions to go some way to reducing the damage being done to our climate and our environment – that’s what!
Robert L. Fielding
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